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Our Predictions for the World's Medical Risk Ratings in 2022


Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, we observed stability in our medical risk ratings globally. This is in contrast to our global security risk ratings, which tend to be more volatile. All would expect however, that due to COVID-19 and the strain on public health systems, medical risk ratings would shift drastically. Utilising our risk rating algorithm, our experts share their views on the future impact, their key predictions and recommendations for organisations to consider when accessing medical risk ratings of specific locations.


Overcoming challenges associated with return to travel amidst COVID-19

Globally, we have observed a slow return to travel, however, business trips remain a challenge. Lockdowns and isolation made many organisations realise the value of social interaction and face-to-face meetings, but employees themselves still do not feel confident in taking business trips. Although global domestic travel has increased, with an uplift of 125% between January 2021 and July 20211, a large amount of events, often being the main reason for corporate travels, remain virtual, reducing the need to travel.2

As the pandemic continually evolves, we have been supporting our clients. Helping them ensure business sustainability and effective risk management in the evolving-pandemic world. 


The impact of COVID-19 on your location

Today, organisations across the globe are striving for resilience within their workforce. Emerging from the pandemic and experiencing new hurdles when navigating the new norms and regulations differ drastically per location. Being aware of local restrictions (e.g. testing, vaccination requirements, and quarantine rules in place) and the on-the-ground risks at each specific destination remains challenging. Getting reliable information from dedicated experts is crucial to fully understanding your risk exposure and allows you to make informed decisions when it comes to authorise travel for your workforce. 

In addition to access to International SOS' world leading security and health intelligence alerts, forecasts and insights, our experts have created COVID-19 Impact Scales as part of our global Risk Map. The impact scales are dynamic, and assess the current impact of the disease on (a) international travel, and (b) domestic operations, two channels that pose different risks.

COVID-19 impact scales now includes a vaccine indicator

Providing business-critical indicators for organisations, our COVID-19 Impact Scales seek to identify the impact of the pandemic on business operations, to allow your organisation to proactively mitigate workforce risks. The algorithm which defines the scales analyses the pre-existing health and security threat environment, inbound & outbound travel restrictions, mitigation measures in place, and case activity. Locations with higher ratings could have low case activity but highly restricted inbound & outbound travel, or vice versa. The scales also takes into account the impact of vaccination of the population on the healthcare system. With vaccination taking a key role, we recently updated the impact scale to reflect this as an indicator.

To explore our Risk Map, click here. To get advice from our experts health and security experts, please get in touch by completing the form below.

1 – Travel data trends from International SOS tracker & Assistance Centre cases  
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Risk Outlook 2022

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