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Respiratory Distress


Medical Support to a Patient with Respiratory Distress during the COVID19 Pandemic



International SOS provided medical support to Peter who was suffering from breathing difficulties in Kazakhstan during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Peter was not feeling very well for quite some time, but didn’t pay much attention to how he felt. He thought this feeling would go away, but one afternoon, his breathing became laboured after a fire drill. Later that evening, Peter reached out to our clinic in Nur-Sultan to arrange a visit. Upon arrival, Peter’s situation got worse as he developed chest pain, high blood pressure, and palpitations.


Our doctor on duty immediately performed an electrocardiogram which revealed signs of acute myocardial infraction. An initial treatment started without any delays, and the case was promptly escalated to the clinic’s Chief Medical Officer. In just a few hours, Peter was transferred to the National Scientific Cardiac Surgery Center in Nur-Sultan. That is where the centre’s team confirmed the diagnosis. Angiography was formed, and stenting was carried out at the centre. Our doctor was present in the operation theatre to support Peter along the way.


The impact was very positive as Peter’s critical condition was treated just in time. Peter feels much better now and is grateful to our medical team for the "excellent help" he received.